Coarse Graining a System
I. Phenomenological models
Ia) Model 1: Helfand compressibility with \(\chi\) parameters
This is the typical model used in polymer field theory models.
Ib) Model 2: Asymmetric bead volumes, the general excluded volume model
This model is a generalization of the Helfand compressibility model.
II. Systematic coarse graining with the relative entropy
We provide standard tools for rapidly setting up coarse-grained simulations using the mdfts
software package.
Core steps of coarse graining involve:
- mapping
- running relative entropy minimization
- converting to field theory inputs
IIa) Using the sim
coarse graining package
Below is a short example showing all of the essential steps of setting up and running the sim
package. The sim-utils
package has utilities for automating a lot of the system definition steps via input files.
There are 7 main steps:
- creating atom types
- defining molecule types from the atom types
- create a
container for the molecule types, and asystem
object containing the world and the potentials. - define potentials and add them to the system
- set up molecular dynamics integrators, conditions, and initialize the system
- compile the system
- run a relative entropy optimization
import sim
### ===== 1. Create atom aypes =====
atom_type_A = sim.chem.AtomType("A", Mass = 1.0, Color = (1,0,0))
### ===== 2. Define molecule types and bonding =====
mol_type_A = sim.chem.MolType("MA", [atom_type_a,atom_type_a,atom_type_a])
mol_type_A.Bond(0,1) #harmonic bond
### ===== 3. create world, system, and add molecules =====
world = sim.chem.World([mol_type_A], Dim = 3, Units = sim.units.DimensionlessUnits) #stores molecules
sys_name = "example_system"
sys = sim.system.System(world, Name = sys_name)
n_mols_A = 10
for i in range(n_mols_A):
sys += mol_type_A.New()
sys.BoxL = 20
### ===== 4. make filters and create potentials =====
filter_aa_nonbond = sim.atomselect.PolyFilter([atom_type_a,atom_type_a], Bonded=False)
P = sim.potential.LJGaussian(sys, Cut = 3.0,
Filter = filter_aa_nonbond,
Epsilon = 0.0, Sigma = 1.0, B = 1.0, Kappa=1.0, Dist0=0.0,
Shift = True, Label = "LJG")
bondl,bondf = 1.0,10.0
filter_aa_bond = sim.atomselect.PolyFilter([atom_type_a,atom_type_a], Bonded=True)
p_bond = sim.potential.Bond(sys, Filter = filter_aa_bond, Dist0 = bondl, FConst = bondf, Label="Bonded")
### ===== 5. Set up integrators and histogramming =====
integrator = sys.Int
integrator.Method = sys.Int.Methods.VVIntegrate
integrator.Method.Thermostat = Int.Method.ThermostatLangevin
integrator.Method.LangevinGamma = 1.0
integrator.Method.TimeStep = 0.01
sys.Measures.PEnergy.SetupHist(-1200, -500, 300)
### ===== 6. Compile system and give initial settings =====
temperature = 1.0
sys.TempSet = temperature
sim.system.positions.CubicLattice(sys, Random = 0.1)
sim.system.velocities.Canonical(sys, Temp = TempSet)
### ===== 7. Set up optimizer and run Srel =====
trj = sim.traj.Simple("../sampletraj/ljtraj.trj.bz2") #load a zipped trajectory
trj.BoxL = sys.BoxL.copy()
opt = sim.srel.OptimizeTrajClass(sys, Beta = 1., Traj = trj, FilePrefix = "test")
opt.StepsEquil = 10000
opt.StepsProd = 500000
opt.StepsStride = 100
### ===== 8. Optional: run the system =====
prefix = "test_md"
n_steps_minimization = 100
ret = sim.export.omm.MakeOpenMMTraj(sys, Verbose = True,
NStepsMin = n_steps_minimization,
NStepsEquil = 1000,
NStepsProd = 10000,
WriteFreq = 1000,
Prefix = prefix,
DelTempFiles = False)
traj, traj_file, dcd_file = ret