Coarse Graining a System

I. Phenomenological models

Ia) Model 1: Helfand compressibility with \(\chi\) parameters

This is the typical model used in polymer field theory models.

Ib) Model 2: Asymmetric bead volumes, the general excluded volume model

This model is a generalization of the Helfand compressibility model.

II. Systematic coarse graining with the relative entropy

We provide standard tools for rapidly setting up coarse-grained simulations using the mdfts software package.

Core steps of coarse graining involve:

  1. mapping
  2. running relative entropy minimization
  3. converting to field theory inputs

IIa) Using the sim coarse graining package

Below is a short example showing all of the essential steps of setting up and running the sim package. The sim-utils package has utilities for automating a lot of the system definition steps via input files.

There are 7 main steps:

  1. creating atom types
  2. defining molecule types from the atom types
  3. create a world container for the molecule types, and a system object containing the world and the potentials.
  4. define potentials and add them to the system
  5. set up molecular dynamics integrators, conditions, and initialize the system
  6. compile the system
  7. run a relative entropy optimization
import sim

### ===== 1. Create atom aypes =====
atom_type_A = sim.chem.AtomType("A", Mass = 1.0, Color = (1,0,0))

### ===== 2. Define molecule types and bonding =====
mol_type_A = sim.chem.MolType("MA", [atom_type_a,atom_type_a,atom_type_a])
mol_type_A.Bond(0,1) #harmonic bond

### ===== 3. create world, system, and add molecules =====
world = sim.chem.World([mol_type_A], Dim = 3, Units = sim.units.DimensionlessUnits) #stores molecules
sys_name = "example_system"
sys = sim.system.System(world, Name = sys_name)
n_mols_A = 10
for i in range(n_mols_A):
    sys += mol_type_A.New()
sys.BoxL = 20

### ===== 4. make filters and create potentials =====
filter_aa_nonbond = sim.atomselect.PolyFilter([atom_type_a,atom_type_a], Bonded=False)
P = sim.potential.LJGaussian(sys, Cut = 3.0,
                     Filter = filter_aa_nonbond,
                     Epsilon = 0.0, Sigma = 1.0, B = 1.0, Kappa=1.0, Dist0=0.0,
                     Shift = True, Label = "LJG")

bondl,bondf = 1.0,10.0
filter_aa_bond = sim.atomselect.PolyFilter([atom_type_a,atom_type_a], Bonded=True)
p_bond = sim.potential.Bond(sys, Filter = filter_aa_bond, Dist0 = bondl, FConst = bondf, Label="Bonded")


### ===== 5. Set up integrators and histogramming =====
integrator = sys.Int
integrator.Method = sys.Int.Methods.VVIntegrate
integrator.Method.Thermostat = Int.Method.ThermostatLangevin
integrator.Method.LangevinGamma = 1.0
integrator.Method.TimeStep = 0.01

sys.Measures.PEnergy.SetupHist(-1200, -500, 300)

### ===== 6. Compile system and give initial settings =====
temperature = 1.0
sys.TempSet = temperature
sim.system.positions.CubicLattice(sys, Random = 0.1)
sim.system.velocities.Canonical(sys, Temp = TempSet)

### ===== 7. Set up optimizer and run Srel =====
trj = sim.traj.Simple("../sampletraj/ljtraj.trj.bz2") #load a zipped trajectory
trj.BoxL = sys.BoxL.copy()
opt = sim.srel.OptimizeTrajClass(sys, Beta = 1., Traj = trj, FilePrefix = "test")

opt.StepsEquil = 10000
opt.StepsProd = 500000
opt.StepsStride = 100

### ===== 8. Optional: run the system =====
prefix = "test_md"
n_steps_minimization = 100
ret = sim.export.omm.MakeOpenMMTraj(sys, Verbose = True,
                                       NStepsMin = n_steps_minimization,
                                       NStepsEquil = 1000,
                                       NStepsProd = 10000,
                                       WriteFreq = 1000,
                                       Prefix = prefix,
                                       DelTempFiles = False)
traj, traj_file, dcd_file = ret